If you think about it, us humans, men, we are so similar to waves. Which makes sense knowing we were created by God and the waves were also created by Him. This past week I have been living in a beach village doing ministry. I have been sleeping in a tent on the shore of the beautiful Pacific Ocean. I woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore, mountains surrounding me, and the sun trying so hard to peak out. And when it finally did it filled the sky with so many different shades of blues, purples, pinks, and oranges. I was surrounded by intense beauty, it was serene. I often caught myself lost in a state of awe. Awe for what God created, for His insane amount of creativity. But for some reason I was so drawn to the waves. I spent hours sitting next to them, examining them, hearing Gods voice through them.

So why exactly? Why do I believe we are like the waves? Waves crash onto the shore and when they do that they turn into almost a blanket of water. This blanket of water lays still for just a moment. But after that moment the blanket gets sucked right back into the ocean. When watching these waves over and over again they crash, they escape the safety of the ocean, but over and over again they are sucked back in. They are sucked back into their home. So my friends, this is where we come in. Imagine yourself as a wave. Often times we crash. We walk through brokenness; we escape a feeling of comfortableness. So many people leave God, they think that if they are feeling this intense amount of pain that it’s not worth it in the Kingdom. So after they crash, they are still. Just like the waves. We wallow in our misery our brokenness. We often times think there isn’t a way out. Because how could God led us into such brokenness, such a hard season of life, right? But then something happens that blows my mind again, and again. He saves us, he sheds light into our brokenness, into our still misery. We are quickly pulled back into his arms. Just like the waves are pulled back into the ocean. And when the waves are pulled back into the ocean, they bring things like shells, sand, and pebbles. They bring gifts, lessons that they gathered up in their moment of stillness. Just like we do. In our brokenness, in our uncomfortableness we learn. We gain knowledge and wisdom from the Lord. And when we enter a new season, we bring things like gifts, lessons, wisdom, and confidence that the Lord gave us during that season.

Being like the waves is not always fun. Sitting in brokenness is not comfortable, it is not painless. But the funny thing about it is after the fact it is rewarding. You get the chance to be mesmerized by a God that is so great and so bigger than you. You get the chance to see radical things done in your life. Being still hurts, crashing hurts, but being pulled back into a grace filled ocean is undeniably the greatest love you will ever feel.