
a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

 The amount of joy the Lord has installed within me since I’ve been in Haiti is incredible. 

 I will never forget the moment the Lord gifted me with a full heart of joy and radiant happiness though. It was the first day of ministry, the day right after we arrived. The morning was filled with orientation and walking around one of many villages Mission of Hope Haiti sponsors. We went back to our ministry site/campus for lunch. (The food here is absolutely incredible–praise him.) Then we were told in the afternoon we would be going to one of the other sponsored villages called Minoterie. We were also told it was optional, but I was so pumped and ready for outreach I knew I just had to go. 

 It was a pretty short bus ride to the village, but the second the children in the village set eyes on our bus they started yelling “blanc, blanc,” which is there way of saying not just white people, but Americans in general. The more our bus drove through the village to get to our stopping point the more little legs started running alongside and behind us.

 The bus finally came to a stop, at one of the most beautiful sights I have seen in my life. It was a village filled with neatly lined up neon colored houses overlooking the ocean. It looked as if it came straight out of a story book. As we were being informed that the houses surrounding us were sponsored by Mission of Hope Haiti over 20 children were waiting patiently for us to exit the bus. Hearing them yell for their friends, wave at us, and smile made my heart flutter. I was in awe and my heart was overflowing with love for my surroundings. 

 As everyone was pouring out of the bus I noticed these giant smiles and bright eyes on each of the children’s faces. I also noticed there was so many naked children, or children without underwear/pants on, or shirts, but they still were not ashamed. I noticed that these children had such little materialistic things, but SO MUCH JOY. In that moment I knew that their joy was supplied by the Lord himself. 

 That afternoon not only did the Lord supply those children with joy, but he supplied me with joy. My heart was overflowing, I felt joyous and radiant. That afternoon made it known to me that Haiti is a special country, and my feet were truly meant to be planted here this month. 


So so so blessed the Lord put Haiti into my plan. This country is incredibly and it is touching my heart everyday. The joy is overflowing within me. Praise him, praise him, praise him! 

Side-note: I AM STILL FUNDRAISING! Please donate! If I am not fully funded by mid December I will not be able to continue 🙁 

Blessings and love,
