I cried my way to panama 

yep, you read that right. me, the one who’s always down for adventure and travel—I was the one bawling as the plane took flight toward panama, leaving American soil behind. 

before that day, I cognitively knew what I was surrendering, but it wasn’t until we lifted off the ground that the weight of what I was leaving behind for the next 11 months hit me. 

there was no turning back. So I started thinking, if I honestly had the choice, would I hop off the plane and run all the way home? Part of me said, ABSOLUTELY YES, LET ME OFF THIS PLANE NOW

…but, the other part reminded me that obedience goes hand in hand with surrender. 

It’s not enough to surrender all…and then sit (unless, of course, God has called you to be still…but ya know). It’d be easy to say, “God, I surrender all—do with my life what you will”, and then remain unchanged.

 I’m learning that it’s the obedience, the action that follows, that God desires. 

 I could have said I was surrendering…and then stayed in my comfort zone. Honestly, I would have been perfectly happy being home with my family and my fiancé. But, God wanted more. And you know what, I am grateful. 

Following Christ, with hands wide open, I found myself surrounded by so many precious people. From the moment I stepped foot in my new city/home for the month, I was reminded of the calling that He’s placed on my life for as long as I can remember—to connect and share God’s love with His children around the world. 

Although there are still moments where my heart yearns for home (as I’m sure there will be throughout the whole year), I know full-well that I am where God has called me. 

Surrender should give way to obedience. It may not always make sense. It may not always be easy. But God knows what He’s doing, and in time, you will see just how sweet His plans and His love for you are. Goodness, they are so sweet. 

I have had SO many joyful moments here in Panama—on bumpy bus rides laughing until it hurts with my team, learning Spanish from sweet students who are just as curious about us as we are about them, leading Saturday ‘VBS’ for kids in another town, having precious alone time with my Abba, and so many more. Y’all, it’s only day 4 of this 11 month journey. God has so much in store. 


So, quick update:

  • I’m in panama!! Praise God!
  • My Spanish from classes taken way back in high school is slowly starting to come back, but ya girl’s still got a lot of learning to do (:
  • I LOVE Panama. The people are incredible, and it is absolutely breathtaking here. We’re by a volcano, nbd.  
  • My team rocks. I am learning so much from each of them, and God is binding us tighter and tighter together each day. 
  • God is faithful. He will never lead you where His love won’t hold you. Hallelujahhhhh (: