Well, this isn’t about Garfield (sorry to disappoint). But! It is, in fact, about Odie. 

Here in Malawi, “Odie” (or “odi”) typically means “anyone home?” This was a phrase that we used on the daily for ministry this last month. 

What did ministry look like, you ask? Why, thanks for your interest (: Ministry in Malawi consisted of 5 hours a day of door-to-door evangelism. Our team of 6 split into three groups of 2, and each group had their own translator. Woo-ee, I was worn out after day 2 of evangelism! Going house to house and allowing Holy Spirit to pour out through you to each person you meet is far more exhausting than I’d anticipated. 

But that’s just it—it wasn’t US pouring out. It wasn’t Ali or Matt or Cameron or Julie or Courtney or Zach; it was Holy Spirit. I was intimidated the first few days we went out. Would I have the words to say? Would I know what to pray for? What scripture to use? 

That’s why I was so stinkin’ exhausted! But thankfully, we quickly realized that it had nothing to do with our capabilities and EVERYTHING to do with Christ. If we asked and allowed Him to speak through us, He would show up faithfully time and time again. Were there some moments where we were worn out and ready to just be done for the day? Absolutely. But, without fail, God would strengthen our spirits. 

At almost every house we approached in the villages, we were invited to sit either on the ground outside their home or we were welcomed inside. We quickly learned that the name given to Malawi, the warm heart of Africa, is very fitting. I can count on one hand the number of times that we were turned away throughout the entire month of evangelism, and this was typically by Muslims who were rushing off to the mosque. 

The primary religions we came across while evangelizing included Christianity and Catholicism, Islam, Malawian traditional versions of ‘Christianity’, and Mormonism. We had some pretty incredible conversations (thanks, God) with everyone we got to talk to. 

At each house, we would walk up, our translator would introduce us,  and then he would turn to us and say, “Now you may share.” Talk about intimidating. At some houses, we would be talking to 1-2 people, while at others, a group of nearly 50 people, young and old, would gather around us. 

What a beautiful opportunity? Once I realized that it was a combination of gushing about my Jesus and allowing Holy Spirit to speak, I was able to recognize how incredible this opportunity was. 

 We were, of course, presented with some tricky questions, reluctant ears, and blatant spiritual warfare. But our God is greater than each of these things! We received questions about how it was possible for Adam and Eve’s son, Cain, to have a wife in the new land he settled, about things in the depths of Revelation, and about why polygamy is not okay in the eyes of the Lord. 

That last one caught Cameron and I off guard! We sat down outside of a mud house with a few women, and our translator began talking to them. After a few minutes of us sitting there cluelessly, he turned to Cameron and I and informed us that these women belonged to the church in Malawi that promoted/allowed polygamy. He then instructed us to tell them why that was wrong (not the easiest conversation to start when you’ve just met someone!). This was only one instance of many where I learned that I am to OWN my beliefs. I mean, of course polygamy is wrong. But was I prepared to defend it Biblically?

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

{ 1 Peter 3:15 }

Daily evangelism pushed me to not only be able to share what I believe, but to also know WHY I believe what I believe. 

Ministry in Malawi stretched me and pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and I am so incredibly thankful for that. Friends, don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from sharing about Jesus. It’s true—you may not know the answer to every question that is asked (we sure didn’t!), but there is beauty in that as you are then able to dive deeper into God’s word with the person asking. 

Let your love for the Lord overflow into daily conversations. It not only brings encouragement to those around you, but it encourages your heart as well. 


Love y’all (: