I have been blessed beyond measure with great people in my life. I have a great family. I have great friends. I have a great church community. I had a great school community. I have great mentors. All in all, I am really thankful for the people that have come alongside me and walked with me through life. There are a lot of people I look up to, people I call my heros. Each person I am going to list has supported me in some way and encouraged me to live a life for Jesus. They have sacraficed time, energy, and money to support me and build me up. These people have impacted my life in countless ways and are part of the reason I am going on the World Race.

Dear Dad,

You are one of the main reasons why I am doing this. You have always pushed me and encouraged me from the beginning. I have had the privilege of serving alongside you in both Mexico and Belize. The trips down to Kids Kingdom Orphanage will always be my most favorite times with you. You know me and you get me like no one else does. Thank you for loving pictures as much as I do and believing in me always. You are my hero. I love you infinity!

Dear Mom,

I am so thankful for you. Thank you for supporting me and being my number one fan. I would be lost without you. We always joke and say that our family would fall apart without you, but it’s true. You hold our family together. You care about others and love people intentionally. I would not be doing this without your constant love and encouragement. I am going to miss you more than you know. You are my hero. I love you.

Dear David,

You are one of the kindest people I know. You are my favorite brother and I am so proud of you. Thank you for supporting me through prayer and donations. You are so generous with your time and money. You care about others deeply and it shows. You love your sisters so well. It is super cool to see your faith become your own. I am honored to be apart of your life. You are my hero and I love you.

Dear Mya,

You have taught me so much in your nine and a half years of life. You and mom have taught me the power of prayer. You have taught me mercy and compassion. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are important. Our family wouldn’t be complete without you and your uncontrollable joy. You are the best gift, and you are one of the most tangible expressions of the Father’s love to me. I love you baby girl. You are my hero.

Dear Ri,

I am beyond thankful to have you as a best friend. You have taught me to put down my camera/phone and live in the moment. You take time to know me, talk to me, and be with me. I am honored to be your best friend. Thank you for encouraging me (especially during basketball season lol). You point me to Jesus at my best and at my worst. You love me when I am messy and broken. I don’t know what I would do without you. I am thankful to know you and I am so proud of you. You are my hero.

Dear Nicole,

Thank you for being someone I can look up to and follow. Thank you for the cinnamon rolls and late night talks. Thank you for the sweet gifts and surprises. You have taught me to put all of my trust in Jesus Christ, no matter what. You share about all the amazing things God has done in your life and encourage me that He will do/has done the same in my life. You tell me to rely on Christ because He will never fail me or forsake me. You are one of my favorite people and I am so thankful for you. You are my hero.

Dear Hans,

Our friendship is a gift and I am extremely thankful for you. Kids Kingdom Orphanage has enhanced and brightened our friendship. Being loved by the same kiddos, through the same hug, at the same time, in the same place is super special. You have taught me how important it is to love myself. I have found value in me because of you. Watching you cling to Jesus when you hit rock bottom and seeing you look to Him for help was truly inspiring. I hope to have joy like you someday. I hope to find joy in every single hardship and situation, just like you. You inspire me. You are my hero.

Dear Jaalah,

You are one of the best people I know. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what. Thank you for listening and understanding. Thank you for being a shoulder I can cry on and for lifting me up in prayer. I see Jesus through you and I’m really thankful Jesus gave me you. You support me endlessly and I could not be more grateful. You are my hero.

Dear Bethany Easley,

You have taught me so much in a short amount of time. You stand up for the truth and for people. You are bold, gentle, and wise. You have shown me that living a life for God is the only way. You make me feel loved and important. The trips to Kids Kingdom with you will always hold a special place in my heart. You are the epitome of complete submission to the Father. I love you. You are my hero. 

Dear Mr. G,

From eighth to senior year, you have encouraged and supported me. You introduced me to Kids Kingdom Orphanage; a place I know call home. You have poured into me without expecting anything from me. You have taught me to have a childlike faith and to have eyes of wonder. You have taught me to look at everything in awe because of the Father. You are rad. I am thankful for the past five years we got to know each other. You are my hero. Love you G.

Dear Coach Harbeck,

You have taught me a lot. You have taught me a lot about the Gospels. You have taught me a lot about the game of basketball. And you have taught me a lot about life. You have spoken so much truth into my life. Telling my story and listening to others’ stories has become very important to me. You have taught me that there is always hope and to hold onto hope. You inspire me by the way you interact with and love my sister. I am honored to have been one of your students and players. Thank you for everything. You are my hero.


Every person listed (and many more) have had an influence on my life and my decision to serve in Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Thailand. They have changed my life and taught me something special. I am so thankful for the people that are in my life.

 With Love,

Alicia 🙂