hi! i have a few updates on what this next season is going to look like 🙂

first, i want to apologize for the lack of communication! i’m sorry, but thank you for your continued support!

in less than a month, on august 23, i will be moving to gainsville, georgia until about mid-December!

the Adventures in Missions campus is in Georgia and that’s where I will be leading a team of five girls as they prepare to (hopefully) travel internationally in January.

sadly, due to covid-19, I will no longer be going to Swaziland and South Africa, but I am so excited for this opportunity to minister and lead my team and whole squad! the truth of the matter is that I said yes to the Lord; I didn’t say yes to a country or place. I am so expectant of what the Lord is going to do! I know He has incredible things ahead while I’m in Georgia. 

and don’t worry! — Adventures in Missions have taken the necessary precautions needed so that we will all be safe and healthy. I am very confident that the Lord will protect my squad and I as we are there.

thank you for everything, each and every one of you are greatly appreciated.

please continue to pray for my squad and I as we prepare to leave our families and homes for three months!

pray for…


our hearts!





thank you thank you thank you! 

i’m so thankful to be able to share a part of this journey with you!

with love and gratitude,

alicia 🙂