We are off to the races! First and foremost, welcome all family, friends, acquaintances, donors, subscribers, and passer-bys! If you have stumbled across my page or are a long time subscriber, I welcome you to stay and enjoy the (future) blogs of how God is working through me to spread the Good News on the World Race!
My name is Alicia Franzen. Born and raised in Tampa, Florida, I am 23 years old and am graduate of the University of South Florida with a degree in Anthropology. I have a passion for traveling and culture that took me on an 11 week backpacking trip with my friend through Europe in 2016. We experienced 14 countries during that time. Different cultures, languages, customs, currency, living situations, and food changing nearly every day. I fell in love with it. It was everything I had learned in college, tangible and real in front of my own eyes.
I had entered that trip asking God for Him to reveal my purpose in life on this trip. I asked Him to put a passion in my heart and let it lead my life. I spoke with God often on that trip, through letters, notes, and conversations with my friend.
After 11 weeks, I arrived back in the States. While happy to be back, it was a difficult transition. I was returning to a job I was planning on leaving by the end of the year and still didn’t have a clear answer as to what I wanted to make of my life. All I knew is that I didn’t want to do the 9-5 office job anymore. Shortly after I arrived back in the States I went on a 12 mile walk across the Bay in Tampa. 6 miles across a bridge and back racking my brain with what to do. Theatre was my passion but non-profit was an interest of mine with a more stable career possibility. It was then that I felt the call to serve.
With the calling to serve in mind, I joined a program that would allow me to travel and serve communities and different non-profits for 11 months. What could be better? I could find an organization along the way that I loved and sink my roots into and find a career there in the future. While I have yet to find that organization, I feel that as I developed myself personally and professionally, my spiritual life was dwindling and being overtaken by the daily duties of my new role. It was a notion I was not okay with letting continue. My friend was on the World Race and while I have been tempted to join it before, there are reasons I did not apply, but now was the time. I want to dedicate a year of my life to growing in my relationship with God and serving Him. I applied and was accepted to the World Race.
The World Race is an 11 country, 11 month mission trip to share the love of Jesus and serve others around the world. I am scheduled to launch on Route 4 in August 2018 on this adventure.
This trip doesn’t come without obstacles though. This is the BIGGEST leap of faith I have ever taken because I am trusting God to find the support of others to raise $18,600. The number is correct and there are no typos. This trip has an $18,600 price tag to be paid in full by November. Knowing this I am oddly at peace at knowing the funds will come through. All I ask from you is support in various forms.
I accept support through all (but not limited to):
– Prayers
– Donations (one-time, weekly, monthly, etc.)
– Sharing and spreading of the word and my plans for this trip
– Words of encouragement
“So lets not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to those in the family of faith.” – Galatians 6:9-10 NLT
I invite you to join me on my adventure by subscribing for updates or clicking the donate button at the top of the page! Thank you for visiting my blog and have a blessed day!