Here in Rwanda there is a little boy that lives on a hill. His name is Hi Kid.
Everyday he watches the muzungus walk up the hill in the morning on their way to ministry and stands by the side of the road waving and saying “Hi.”
For the first couple of days, when he heard the cry of other children exclaiming, “Muzungu! Muzungu!” he would race to the road in front of his house and yell “Hi!” in his high pitched voice at the gaggle of girls starting their way up the hill.
No matter how far the distance was between them, the girls would always respond with a joyful “Hi” in return!
With his overwhelming excitement of seeing muzungus, he would yell “Hi” again!
“Hi” the girls would respond as they made their way up the hill getting closer to passing his house.
On and on the morning greeting exchanges would continue: “Hi!”, “Hi!”, “Hi!”, “Hi!”
When the girls would get to the point of passing his house, he would make sure to reach out and touch the hand of every muzungu crossing his path.
As the days progressed he ventured further from his house. He would walk up the hill with the girls a little until they would tell him to go back home to mama.
Each day that passed, Hi Kid made sure to give each girl a hug to start their day. He would be sure not to miss a single one, and if he did, he would run up the hill to catch them to give them their hug.
There was one day he almost missed the muzungus. Whether he didn’t hear the other children calling them or he was distracted on the stoop on the side of his house, the muzungus nearly passed him. On that day, they first called out “Hi” as they passed his house.
Quickly, Hi Kid turned around and yelled “Hi! I’m coming! I’m coming!”
He was sure to not miss a muzungu hug, even on that day.