The final deadline to be fully funded has come to an end and we were $959 short.
While I may not be fully funded yet, I still find myself at peace about missing the deadline. Past me would have been sending messages to every friend, acquaintance, and stranger on that last day. I would have been throwing in my own money to cover the last amount just to have peace of mind that I made the deadline. Past me would be relying on my own strength and my own power to keep me on this race. But if i’ve learned anything, its that I can do nothing without God.
I am at peace with missing the deadline because I know that our God moves in His own ways. Just because He doesn’t meet our expectations sometimes doesn’t mean that He isn’t working on our behalf.
Maybe He is teaching you patience.
Maybe He is teaching you to give your worries to Him.
Maybe He is teaching you to depend on Him fully.
Maybe He is working to give you a moment that can only be explained and accomplished by His power.
If you feel like you are putting you through the fire, then He is likely teaching you and shaping parts of you into a design that is in accordance to His will.
With all of that said, you can still donate, still support, because God is still moving.
Adventures in Missions has set a deadline of November 30th for all racers to be fully funded, but who are we to assume that God operates within our earthly schedules? To say that God runs on our man-made time would be to limit Him and put Him in a box. Our deadline has passed, but God is still moving, so we should as well.
There is still time. The Race is not over yet. Only $959 left to go!