YOOOOO squad, it’s Alicia (aka Lish Dog) coming at you with a quick summary about who I am, so here it goes! Obviously, my name is Alicia Crist. I’m currently 17 and 9 months old. I normally don’t count the months like that, but as I am approaching my 18th birthday, I thought it would be cool to do that. It’s probably not though, but it’s chill. Anyway, I’m a senior at Lancaster High School and a freshman at Ohio University (dual enrollment is dope). This past semester, I spent a lot of my time filling out college applications. Ever since I was young I have had plans to go to college and continue on to medical school, but in the past six months, World Race became another option.

I have lived in the same house in Lancaster, Ohio all my life. I live in a three bedroom house with my two parents, Scott and Jen, and my four younger sisters, Gabrielle, Katie, Ava, and Gloria. Thankfully, my two older siblings, Austin and Emily, no longer live under the same roof. Let’s just say it was getting a little tight with all of us. Normally, people’s reactions to my big family are either “Wow, that must be a lot of fun” or “Wow, that must be really rough”, and all I can say is “yes”. I honestly can’t imagine a life without all of my siblings though. They may be super annoying at times, but they’re pretty dope. 

Due to the large number of siblings, I became very competitive as I grew up. This sparked my interest in sports. I absolutely loved competing. I started running when I was in third grade and since then, Cross Country and Track have been huge in my life. Outside of sports, I play guitar, ukulele, piano, and recently, the banjo. I am very interested in volunteer and community work, especially if it involves kids. My two youngest sisters have down syndrome and cri du chat, which has led me to consider working with disabled children. In February 2016, I had the opportunity to serve at a foster home for disabled children in China for three weeks. It was an amazing experience and since then I have had a passion for missions. 

Yes, I know this is not your biology class, but this next topic involves the most vital organ in the human body, my heart. Since my trip to China back in 2016, my heart has ached for orphans all around the world. Adoption has been a big part of my life, as my youngest sister was adopted from the foster home I served at, so I would say that has taken up a big portion of my heart. This past summer, I served on Work Crew, which was the best experience ever, at Lake Champion for a month. Serving all of the campers was hard work but seeing them feel God’s love made it all worth it! I think the most important chunk of my heart belongs to loving others. I know it might sound “surface level”, but honestly I just love loving on people in any way I can. 

So, I’ve never taken the REAL Myers/Briggs test but I’m pretty sure I’d be an ENFP, which basically says I’m enthusiastic about everything and always see the good in people. However, I have taken the enneagram test and I am a 7, which fits me VERY well. I am normally a fairly positive person and I love having fun. No matter what the situation, I’m pretty good at seeing the bright side of things. I’m a hard worker and get along with most people. I must say, I’m a pretty cool person… so if you know me, just know you’re lucky… haha that was a joke. One of my biggest weaknesses is procrastination. I mean, I do try to get stuff done early, but mostly I’m a do it either the night before or day of person… but it is the new year, so if I were to make any resolutions, fixing that would maybe one of them.

My spiritual journey has had quite a few ups and downs, but God has always been there with me no matter what I was going through. I grew up in a Christian home, so as I was growing up, I had a decent understanding of who God was and how I could have a relationship with him. However, like most people, I have had my fair share of “but I want to do this” and “I think I’ll do this instead”, which always ended up with me regretting my choices and wishing I would have listened to God a little more. I am very hopeful for this new season I have entered and am super pumped to see what all God has in store for me! Throughout my journey, many people have helped me out, but recently my YL leader has poured some amazing wisdom into me. So Kelsey Bohl, thank you for all of the times you have opened up time just to listen to me. 

The World Race! I still can’t believe I get to be a part of this amazing project! Like I previously said, I have a heart for missions, so when I first heard of World Race, I got super pumped. After praying about it for some time and talking with my YL leaders, I decided it was time to apply. Then, I got accepted!! At first, I couldn’t believe it. Like, WOW! Right now, I am most excited about meeting new people. I LOVE new experiences and can’t wait to grow more in my faith. 

If y’all are wondering what you can be praying for, I would ask that it would be that I could really lean in and listen to God in this new year and as I prepare, I would just remain stress free and continue to be excited! Thanks!!
