I’ve been firmly reminded this last few weeks that when you’re intentional about your work with the Lord that He Who Shall Not Be Named, SATAN, comes full force. And it is so easy to get caught up in that torrential down pour of his tricks. No doubt I feel like I’ve been failing in my new found giving ministry but NOT TODAY SATAN. So I ask you this question:

What would it look like to be a giver in ministry? Not a trick question but giving is so different for everyone. I so look forward to hearing your responses below. 

In turn I have to say that giving for me looks like serving at church and Celebrate Recovery. It looks like intentionally giving $100 or so a month to a few different ministries. It looks like sharing the links to my friends charities and spreading the voice of my support. It looks like God sewing the seeds of goodness in my life and in people’s lives around me. And giving also looks like sharing my testimony. My struggles are His victories and my giving is God’s gifts that overflow.