My first thought was “What is Home?” So lets turn to the Strong Concordance where you can find the Hebrew translations of Home…families, temple, PRISON, morter, place, and space to name a few. But my favorite was the Greek translation of “present.” Not to get too philosophical but my Home Page is for the present. Where I am now.

Today, I’m holding space for others and for myself while also making space for people in my life. Not only here but in general. I knew I was “self-sustaining” and “independent” but the depth of that has become more clear. I’ve spent many years “having to be” this way for survival and I have rarely had any kind of interdependence on the Lord in my financial life. I could say “oh because this is how I was raised.” And yes this is true. This is how I was raised. I remember distinctively feeling the fear on my mom in the grocery line as a child. We counted the costs of our groceries and pre-planned what we might have to put back. I carried this fear through adulthood that in fact there would not be enough and that I would have to put away what I might need. However, as we get older we have a choice to change. 

So here on my Home Page I make the declaration that I surrender. I surrender my will in my finances to God. I will leave my home, my family, my prison, and my place to bring His Kingdom and healing wherever He takes me. Though the 11 countries are defined in this mission trip and there’s a vision for each country, His plan will unfold as we go. I have only a glimpse of what to expect. But  I trust that He will make all areas of my finances fruitful. And yes that especially rings true for this fundraising. I know and trust that He will protect and provide all that I need. I could not, should not, and will not, lead my finances alone. And I will not have to put back what I need.

I do not have any idea of what that will look like in the future but I believe that it means I won’t spend time worrying or fearing that I will fall short but rather that my needs will be met through Christ. He will not take me down a path of discipleship in another part of the world and not provide the means to do so. His Love will conquer every fear. 

John 4:Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love John 4:18

And I know if you’re reading this there’s love in your heart and I invite you to lean on the Lord for discernment in your financial life as well. Surrender your will on your giving, and follow God’s will in all aspects of your life. 

If you find it in your heart to partner with me on this wonderful mission to care for the broken and needy please know that every amount that is donated is appreciated. Whether it’s $5, $50, or $500 My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19