There are places in this world that are simply breath taking. Places like the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, and the Rocky Mountains. We visit these places and take pictures of them to try to capture their beauty. But the thing is, those pictures never quite come out nearly as beautiful as the real thing. Those places cannot be described by our words or captured by our pictures. I walked down to the Irish Sea last weekend and took pictures (tricked ya with the title…they are on Facebook!) and they are not nearly as picturesque as the real scenery.
Trying to take pictures of beautiful places reminds me of trying to understand God. All we are capable of taking in is just a tiny glimpse of who God is, like a small photograph. Our perspectives of God will never measure up to the magnitude of who He really is. Our words can never adequately describe our Creator, our Father.  Our minds cannot process our marvelous God. He is indescribable and mysterious. Trying to describe Him is like trying to put the ocean in a water bottle. Our pictures of God will never quite come out nearly as beautiful as the real thing.