May 17, 2008 flipped my life upside down.


Three years ago, I lost the two people who raised me to be who I am, two of my best friends in the whole world. 
I can still hear my dad singing in church with overwhelming joy. I still smell the freshly cut wood he used to build the cabinets in our house. I can still see him and my brothers throwing wrapping paper balls at each other on Christmas. I can still see exactly what his face looked like when he bought his motorcycle. 
I can still hear my mom reading a book to Victoria, both of them laughing about the silly voices she was using for each character. I can see her planting beautiful flowers outside. I can picture how her face lit up when my dad got her a DLS camera for her birthday. I can still smell the aromas that would float out of the kitchen when she would cook. 
Both of them were blessed with so many talents to further the kingdom and more love for others than most would know what to do with. They pursued their passions, the silly and the serious. They lived life to the fullest. 
Today, I celebrated their lives with my team. We went on an adventure on motor bikes, riding through the whole island that we live on. We ate peanut M & M’s and drank coffee in honor of my dad and took pictures in honor of my mom. My parents would have loved today. 
Celebrate the life you have been blessed with. Do the things you say you would love to do “one day,” and do those things with people you love. Be fully alive instead of trying to get away with simply existing.