SO. I had a well thought out blog for all of you, but I just cannot seem to get this Dominican computer to cooperate with me, so you get the short version! My team is doing ministry in San Juan for the rest of the month. 46 people from our squad are staying in a three bedroom house, and the other half of us went to Haiti for the month. Haha my bedroom is the dining room! Electricity and water come and go, but we are blessed to have access to them at times. We have a kitchen, so we will be able to cook! Pray for health, amoebas and parasites are concerns in this area.
We were supposed to be doing traveling Vacation Bible School this month, but our contact fell through, so at this time, our ministry is to be determined. We might be helping with other ministries in the area. Pray for peace about this. All of us on our team were very excited to do VBS because we all enjoy working with kids. I am very purpose driven, so this is kind of tough for me to not have one as of yet. 
I miss home at really random times…like when we are eating dinner and all the food is unrecognizable, or when I just wish I could pick up the phone and call a friend. Pray for me to adjust quickly! I know that there is purpose in all of this, and I am still very happy to be here (most of the time!). 
Happy birthday Katie, Kelly, and Steph! I know its a couple days late, but work with me here…internet is sketchy around here =)
I love you all and I pray for everyone at home! Keep up the prayers and emails of encouragement, I know that is what helps the most! 
Carmen…I have taken some pictures, don´t worry! It will just take me a bit to get them up here..I know you were wondering =)