Hebrews 11. The faith chapter. It is full of men and women who have done amazing things, and the only reason they were capable of accomplishing those things was because of their faith in God. Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joseph, Noah — they were all just regular guys until God called them to greatness. Well, greatness in hindsight. Imagine how they felt during the time when they were following God’s calling. Noah was building a giant boat during a drought, telling everyone that they were going to drown. Moses gave up being a prince in the greatest kingdom around, and then turned against his own brother in the name of God. To endure the things they had to endure, to give up what they gave up, these men surely had faith in God. They had to believe that everything they were doing was not for nothing.
Hebrews 11 made me think about several things. How much do I let my faith affect my life? How much do I let my belief in God change my everyday life? If my faith in God was gone, would my life look any different than it does today? Do I follow Him even when I don’t know where we are going? Do I obey Him even when it will make me look like a fool to the world? Does anything I participate in require my belief in God? Can I do everything I am doing on my own, or am I relying on God?
I encourage you to ask yourself these questions. Test your faith. And if you truly believe in something, let that something affect who you are, let it really affect who you are.
Imagine if we all let God work through us. With faith the size of a mustard seed, God will move a mountain.