This blog is officially dedicated to Sam Randazzo and his manly man barbeque! =)
Today, my team, our contacts, and 3 guys from one of the townships (which will be explained in another blog), went out to eat for lunch. This place is known only by locals, and they call it The Meat Place. We didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into, but we piled into the car to grab some food. Each one of us contributed 20 Rand, which is less than $4. We sat down at the table and started getting to know the guys. Several minutes later, 2 trays were brought out. One was full of pork, the other full of beef. We dug in, and it was glorious. We ate meat until we couldn’t anymore, and that’s all they serve there…meat! What we ate is called Braai, which is meat cooked over a huge charcoal fire. If The Meat Place had a TV, I think men would never come out of there!