We are small. We aren’t all that powerful in the grand scheme of life. All we really have control of are our own thoughts, our own actions, and our own passions.
And that’s exactly why God wants to use us.
God has this thing…he likes to bring power to weak things. It’s all over the Bible, practically every story has at least a hint of that theme in there somewhere. Want a real life, present day example?
What I am about to tell you is a monumental answer to an ancient question. What on earth was God thinking when he made mosquitoes?
Well, there might be more scientific answers to this question, but I assume that’s not what you are really looking for, reading my blog and all. Here’s my answer: God made mosquitoes to illustrate a point. They are small. They live for only a short time. But, they have the potential to affect someone’s life, despite their size. They might only bother one person, but if you are that one person, a small mosquito is a pretty big bother.
So let this illustration humbly empower you. Sure you are small, and, in the big picture of things, you really won’t be here all that long. You might think you were not designed to change the world, but I am here to tell you, you have the power to love, and that is enough to change somebody’s world.
I had a moment last week about all this…I thought to myself…”what were you thinking…feeling like you could go on the World Race and actually make a lasting impact upon the world?”
I might not change this whole world, but I might change the whole world of one person, simply by loving them.
Cecilia is a mother of four, living in Luangwa, Zambia. Her husband died 7 months ago, and she and her family are just struggling. I was able to hold her hand, look her in the eye and say “I know what it feels like to lose someone that you love.” I was able to share scriptures with her about letting her church family take care of her and her children while they try to get back on their feet. God equipped me with what I needed to love Cecilia that day.
So go out there and be a mosquito!
ps. I still need $2,704 by the 31st of December!! It is our last fundraising deadline on the World Race!! I need your help to meet it!! If you cannot give, I would ask that you tell someone else that you know about my World Race journey. Also, there are quite a few people on my squad who have the same financial deadline. Please be in prayer for us about this!! Thank you!