I just got my blog.. Like today.. Im so confused. Like help please? Any who I'm Alicia. I'm a newb. I signed up for the January trip and God is yelling at me to leave sooner. I am in progress of trying to change to leave in July hopefully if not shooting for August. I was lacking the faith of being able to raise the money. Money is not something my family has.. well my parents at least. I work my bottom off for anything I have and finally had a reality check that I need to stop worring bc God will provide if it is the right thing to happen. Any who I am  determined to make the fundraising happen! I currently have $175 raised! GOOO ME! hahah I'm in for a long hall. I like a good challenge and I LOVE GOD so its crunch time. Call me crazy but I am ready to get out there serve in the name of GOD! Any who this is just to get my first blog out there and get started there will be many more to come as soon as I figure out how to even upload a phone.. For real though.. if you can help me with blogging for dummies I need it.. Please help.