So I 20, from Marion, Iowa in the lovely United States. Oh ya my names Alicia btw. I am a new believer of God, He picked me up when I was down and needed him most and I haven't turned back. I LOVE HIM. I am described as the momma of my friends, I always am looking out for everyone and there to lend a hand, I'm extremely and random and spontaneous. I go with flow and don't look back. We only have one life to live so LIVE IT UP!


  • I love sweat pants, obessed, not being able to wear running shorts and sweats might be the hardest thing to adapt to.
  • I run, a lot. Just did my first half marathon and want to never stop. I will run a full when I return.
  • Bread is my favorite food.. Weird right?
  • This blog is killing me, I have no idea how to use computers besides writing papers for school and this may be my biggest challenge of the year. Yes I'm serious. Help. Please!
  • I love music. Mumford and Sons is my crush. I could listen to them on repeat all day every day!
  • I like to nap, honestly I try to plan them into my schedule.. daily.
  • Me doing this trip is something no one would ever think I would do. I have one maybe two people in my entire family who actually support me doing this. Lets just say Christ is not in my family, but im sure glad He is in me.
  • I have two brothers, one I have never met.. craziness!
  • I am/ was a medical student until God called me to this.
  • I really want to get a German Sheppard puppy but my parents won't let me get a "BIG" dog.. redic.. I know.
  • I really like the word LEGIT.

Soccer, running, boating, my friends, bread, peanut butter, camping, hanging out with my dad, Mumford and Sons, naps, food, playing baseball, being outside, french fries, being weird, playing bags, falling in love, GOD, my parents, okay this could go on for awhile so im quitting now..


In all actuality I have signed up for the January 2011 trip but God is calling, SCREAMING really, to leave sooner. I only signed up for the later trip because money is no where to be found in my family, many of my family barely support me to go which lights the fire in my heart to go even more to hopefully open their eyes to the AMAZING things that He can do. I am pushing to leave in August, July if God really gives me the chance. I am dedicated to doing whatever it takes to raise the money and get myself out there. I LIVE FOR YOU LORD. I know that if the money doesn't come it wasn't my time ( I really hope it does though 🙂 ) I am extremely excited about getting this opportunity and freaking terrified!! Hah. Just to anyone even though you don't know me just say a little prayer for me!