Now that I have been back for almost a week, trying to adapt back to my somewhat “normal” routine, it has been nearly impossible to not let the stresses of fundraising creep up. When I got accepted to the World Race, I remembered the quote, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” So I dreamt and prayed BIG ones, that I would be FULLY FUNDED not only by the time we launch in August but by the grace of God by training camp…. Yeah, the one that I just left and came back from. :'(

There is still time for part of that prayer to be fulfilled – to be fully funded by our launch in August. Fundraising has been like a roller coaster… There are highs and lows. I want to be totally transparent about this so I can help everyone understand the importance of this to me but also the part you can play!

First, I want everyone to understand – THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS “NOT ENOUGH”. But I can relate – I have been through financial struggles from various challenges our family faced growing up to supporting myself right out of college, paying student loans, and living independently. It has been tough at times, tears have been shed and sacrifices have been made.

Can you give up two coffees? Eat out one less time a week? Drink one less beverage out? And so on… Even if it’s not a matter of giving up those things but just thinking about how you are going to spend every dollar sitting in your bank account. It was so hard to give when I had less. But in no time, I didn’t miss that $10 or $20 I gave. Then next paycheck came through, and it all worked out.

Second, please consider the impact you can have in referrals. A few hundred dollars of my donations have come from friends telling friends, sharing Facebook posts, or sharing my story with strangers. If you plan to donate or determine you truly can’t at this time, next, think of friends, family, co-workers, church family you know who might also have some resources to share.

Here are some big fundraisers I have before I leave that you can also help through:

From June 22 – July 2, Dorothy will be sharing proceeds from make-up sales through her website to support my World Race. ( Do you need a fresh mascara? Fun new lip gloss? Or have any birthdays coming up you can take care of a gift for?!

On Wednesday, July 6th, I am hosting a fundraiser at Yogurtology on Gandy and MacDill. Um, froyo, seeing me one more time before I leave Tampa, AND it’s for a good cause?! C’mon, how could you say no?! 😉 Just show up between 4:30 pm – 9:30 pm and let them know you’re purchasing to support me. They’ll set your receipt aside and add up the total, then donate 20%!

Ongoing, there is my support a square fundraiser. I launched this one with truly helping friends understand that ANY amount helps. Each square has a special purpose in adding up to a greater total. Consider your lucky number? Birthday? Age, etc…

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT – details are still coming together but on Saturday, July 30th, we are coordinating an event while I am home in Westerville. Leaning towards a corn-hole tournament… But until the details are confirmed, set a few bucks aside and SAVE THE DATE, because we will definitely plan something. This will also be the best opportunity to get everyone together one last time at home before I leave, August 5th!

As I said before, it would be AMAZING if I were fully funding by the time I launch on August 5th. But first, I have to meet a REQUIRED deadline on July 22nd of $10,000. I am currently at $6,700. That means I’ll need about $140 PER DAY between now and then to make it! PLEASE pray and consider at what capacity you are able to support. And THANK YOU so much for whatever you decide!