We leave today for Chiang Mai, Thailand and I am soo excited about our ministry! We’ll board a bus that’ll take us back to Bangkok with 4 other teams and then we’ll head on to Chiang Mai while the other teams will go to North Eastern Thailand.
My team, Freely Given, will mainly be in Chiang Mai for the month but also working on the Bermese border and possibly going into Laos for a day. We’ll be working with Ray & Candace Ward’s ministry doing a variety of things. Other World Race teams have worked with the Ward’s before and I’ve heard a lot of amazing things about their ministry. We’ll be going into the villages of Chiang Mai for a few days at a time to preach, evanglize, lead Vacation Bible Schools, teach english, and share God’s love for these people. We’ll also be working with a drop in center for street children on the Burmese borders that are at risk ofbeing taken into sex trafficking. We should also have the opportunity to give hope to Bermese refugees and I’m really looking forward to that. These people really need hope after all that they’ve gone thru. Mark, a guy from AIM that’ll be traveling with us, said that he’ll also take us to Tiger Kingdom and to ride elephants so that’ll be fun!