It’s been awhile…
Christmas this year was one of the best. Although the presents under the tree with my name on it consisted more of cold medicine/ear plugs/sleeping masks and not a new sled or pony, its honestly one I’ll cherish forever. My pastor said during the Christmas Eve service that Christmas is about His presence and of loved ones, not the presents. So many people focus just on the presents during this season and forget why we celebrate Christmas. I was able to spend much needed time with family and truly enjoy it. Christmas is always a hectic time of year, more so this year, but I wanted to take a step back and just soak in as much family as I could. I have been pretty stressed but I wanted to forget about it for the day and just enjoy it.
As Christmas dinner was wrapping up and extended family started to leave my parents house, it really hit me that this was the last big event that I would see a lot of them before I leave. Up until then it felt like my departure was never going to come but now its here. I kept thinking that I could put off the good-byes and everything but there’s no more procrastinating, it’s actually here! I can’t believe that I will be leaving the US next week and won’t see any of you for at least another 11 months. Although I am going to miss everyone I am so excited for this journey to begin!
Before church started they showed this cute film and I wanted to share that too (hopefully it shows up on here, if not go to: