If you know me then you know that I have a very weak stomach, and todays’ events led to Ann discovering this about me too. 
Ann, my coworker, wanted to cook a Thai dish tonight so she asked if I would go with her to the international market down the street to find the ingredients. I decide to go with her, thinking it’d probably be a good idea since I’ll be shopping in places like this next year. We walked the isles trying to find what she needed for Thai Red Curry Chicken (nothing here is in English so it took some time to make sure we were getting the right stuff). Then we proceeded to the back where the butcher is to find chicken cutlets. They only had chicken breasts but the butcher was nice enough to slice them into ‘cutlets’. While we were standing in line at the butcher, a man walks in with his shopping cart, carrying a black trash bag. It didn’t seem that odd until he then walks behind the displays and throws the bag onto the ‘cutting counter’. I look at the counter and inside his bag was nothing other than a freshly killed Lamb… GROSS! And leave it to me to gasp out loud and turn away as quickly as I could. I stood in the frozen dinner section (seemed safest) until Ann was ready to go. 


First of all, where does one find a lamb minutes from DC and then second, why does he bring it to a butcher here? Maybe I’m too much of a city girl but can you even carry a dead animal like this, in DC?? 

If this is happening in DC then what am I going to see next year? I guess I should prepare my stomach now to see some pretty gross stuff…  but while I’m in the States I’m sticking to shopping at Safeway.