Friday Feb 18-
Laying in bed 4 we met Heng Jeb Lee. He layed in his bed, more coherant than the man in the other room but you could tell he was in pain. He began speaking and Vuthy translated that Heng Jeb Lee had been working a lot & now he is sick. Not saying what he does for a living he did tell us that he is a man of power in his job. I thought to myself, ‘how awesome of a testimony would it be for this man to be healed. Not just for himself but also for the people who work under him.’ We sang the song ‘I Exhalt Thee’ and his spirits seemed a little higher. I felt a deep connection with this man & I wanted him to really feel the joy that my God gives me. We layed hands on him & prayed. Jamie felt God telling her that this man was going to encounter the Holy Spirit in his dreams & for him not to be afraid. I prayed for him & I have never felt so strong in my words as I did in that moment. I could feel God’s presense surrounding this man. As we began to leave Heng Jeb Lee started weeping uncontrollably. He covered his face with the scarf he had laying on his bed, embarassed. Instantly we all started crying too. We prayed again that God would restore this mans strength, that he would be fully healed & that he would feel God’s love. After visiting the women in beds 8 & 9 we passed by his room again. This time, instead of laying down he was able to sit up. Small victory but we were excited!
Wednesday Feb 23-
I eagerly road the tuk tuk to the AIDs hospital, hoping to see Heng Jeb Lee. We headed into the hospital. Just as we did last time, we asked what patients were there this day. Beds 5, 8, 9. Did they forget bed 4? We headed to bed 5, who shares a room with bed 4. Bed 4 was empty. I was confused. Did my friend pass away? He seemed as if he was feeling better when we left. Or had he been healed & released? I prayed that he had been healed but at the same time dissapointed that we didn’t get to see him.
Friday Feb 25-
I almost didn’t have the opportunity to go to the hospital this day but I felt it was God’s will for me to go. Other squad mates who had never been to the hospital before wanted to go so I stepped back and gave up my seat. Dissapointed I went back to filling bags with soup. Jamie came running into the kitchen telling me to grab my stuff. A seat opened up so I was able to go! The orignal 4 of us who prayed for Heng Jeb Lee the past Friday plus 2 other team mates jumped in the tuk tuk. Normal routine. Beds 4, 5, 9. Was Heng Jeb Lee back? Or was it someone else in his bed? We walked in and saw Heng Jeb Lee. He was sitting up with the biggest smile on his face. You could just feel the joy he had, just like the joy I had prayed God would show him. He was so excited to see us. He kept feeling his entire body and telling Vuthy that he had been healed. Over and over he repeated, ‘Thank you, thank you!’. He was no longer in pain and God had given him his strength back! We asked him if he was able to go home soon and he excitedly told us that he was being released today. We were all so overjoyed. We had prayed for this man of power to be healed, for God to present Himself to Heng Jeb Lee, & for him to be a living testimony in his community! We sang to him, prayed for safe travels home & that others would hear his story. As we left the room he over & over again squeezed his once weak body now transformed into strength. I didn’t want to leave his room.
After visiting with bed 9 we headed out. Passing by Heng Jeb Lee’s room we saw him now standing in his doorway waiting for us. After saying ‘Thank you’ again in both English & Khmer he walked us out! I felt God telling me, ‘Give this man a hug, he has been healed’. A little hesitant not knowing what hospital rules were I gave him a big hug. He said, ‘I love you’ and then waved us good-bye with both hands, full of energry.