Introducing my new team… team .APEX! Apex is the topmost part of a mountain. As a team we are striving to move up and closer to God. We wanted a strong name to show that even tho we are an all girls team we are strong. When we were praying for a team name I kept seeing a . in our name. At first we put it at the end of our name but we thought it was fitting to put it at the beginning because this is the start to our story and we are constantly moving up. My new team leader is Brittani and we are the only girls team, pretty excited to be with all girls. It’s going to be weird not having guys on our team to take care of scary bugs or to grab our heavy bags off the bus but I think it’s going to be a great time for growth for me. If you look at the bottom left part of my blog you’ll see each of my teammates pictures and a link to their blogs.
Sarah, Me, Carrie, Brittani, Jessie, and Hannah

We are safe and sound in Kuala Krai, Malaysia. I’ll post another blog soon about our crazy travel day(s) and what ministry looks like this month!