So as I prepare to leave for training camp this Saturday (yay!), I have decided that it is probably time to write my first blog.  First of all, I am not a blogger.  I have never been one to write in journals (I will buy cool looking journals in hopes that I will magically turn into a ‘journaler’ but it never works) but here goes nothing.

I am still pretty in shock that in just 2 1/2 months I will be leaving for 11 months to become a missionary around the world.  It hit me last night when I was at Dicks Supporting Goods buying some shorts to wear on the race and I asked what their return policy was.  When she said the typical ’90 days with reciept’ I thought okay good 90 days, that’s a lot of time, but then I realized that I won’t even be in the States in 90 days, CRAZY!  I still have sooo much to do before I can leave.  I’m not sure of the exact date of departure yet but if we leave January 1st then I only have 79 more days to prepare!  In those 79 days I will have to:

– sell my car that I bought new just over a year ago

– leave my job and the people here I have grown so close to
– pack up my townhouse and move back in with my parents
– find a new roommate to fill my spot
– get all my shots (ouch!)
– raise at least another $2,347.50 so that I’m on par with World Race support goals. (Ideally, it would be nice to have it all raised/pledged by the time I leave so that my focus can be sharing the love of Christ and not about money)
– finish buying the equipment I need
– packing up my life and fitting all that I can into a backpack

What I’m going to miss:

– my church & small group ‘family’
– my family & friends
– hot showers
– my roommates I’ve grown to love (Shout Out to Elizabeth who told me about The World Race!)
– 3 o’clock cookie/chocolate with Beth
– personal space

– my car and the freedom it gives me
– my cell phone. It’ll be weird not to be able to just pick up my phone and call a friend or family or shoot a quick text…
-my wardrobe, wearing the same 10 shirts & 2 pants for 11 months might get old
– spell check, I use it way too often and our blogs don’t have spell check so I apologize now for any misspellings!

There is a lot to do before I leave for the World Race and there is a lot that I will miss while I gone, but it will all be worth it because I am following God’s call! This

A lot of people have asked me if I am nervous or scared to be in all of these countries, most of them being third world countries but truth is I’m not scared. I have faith that God will protect me and He will be with me in every country and every situation I am in.

World Race January 2011 Route 1 Squad 2(U) here I come!