Hear ye hear ye friends, family, acquaintances:




*BANG BOOM KABLAM* The fireworks go off. I am beyond grateful for all of you who have supported me financially and prayerfully on this journey. Words cannot say how thankful I am. Words cannot say the impact that your support has had and will continue to have for the Kingdom of God. 

Special thanks to my mum and pop. They are the biggest support in my life. They’ve given me a full and happy life since I was a little babe and always supported me in anything I’ve wanted to do. I am learning more and more just how blessed I am to have them as my parents. Love you and I DO miss you mum and pops.

Special thanks to my second mother, mama Graham. She brought me into her home and fed me good food. She constantly provides Godly wisdom and encouragement to me as well and has been one of my biggest supporters on the race.

Special thanks to my F squad family. My brothers and sisters on the squad have prayed with me, fasted with me, and given to me. This journey would be a little less crazy fun and a lot less meaningful without them.

Also huge thanks to my F squad extended family. All of my squadmates brothers, sisters, moms, dads, uncles, second cousins twice removed: I couldn’t have come this far without you either. Cheers to you all.

Special thanks to the rest of my relatives who pray for me and encourage me. There are so many of you: my brother and nephew, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, I can’t list them all!

Also my friends who I’ve left in the good ol’ USA, thanks for the good times. Thanks for the laughs. Thanks for the random posts on my wall and text messages and Facetimes. Keep them comin!

Finally thanks to the anonymous and random people who donated to me that I have never met! May God bless you for your gift x 77! 

That’s all for now folks.



Oh and P.S. If anyone still wanted to support me, I have a personal fund as well. This helps with fun things, extra food, personal expenses, and on the chance I need medical attention like I needed this month. Message me for details: [email protected] 

And a friendly reminder that any gifts you made to me through AIM are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE! Don’t forget to include that in your taxes this year!