Turns out I am a poet and I didn’t even know it. But before we get to the poem I have to say:

TODAY IS THE DAY! I need $1561 left to make my deadline on October 1st! I have an event today “$25 on the 25th” which means I am seeking 60 people to give $25!! Thanks for your support!

And now my poem. Hope it makes sense, I have never really liked poetry. HA. 


I go forth to change the world 

Like an arrow that pierces the heart

I am pulled backwards

But that is the wrong way!

To move forward

I must try harder

What can I do?

Sometimes I say

I don’t have to do anything.

That is a lie.

I tell myself I must give more, do more.


It is finished.


I still look harder to achieve perfection

As stupid as it seems


Is Something that has already been accomplished

So what I put my hope in

Are functional saviors.

Money, power, and love

Satisfies me.

Living water:

That’s a lie.

I can change the world

By my own strength.

Once I get better


Jesus has won.


I can fail.

I must remember

The responsibility rests on my shoulders.

Never will I say

I am a nobody.

Because Jesus was somebody

I try to be extraordinary.

(Now read each line from the bottom up)


God has been laying on my heart the struggle between Christian narcissism vs. true Jesus-centered living. What is Christian narcissism? Becoming SO obsessed with getting better, doing more. The more I become focused on getting better, the worse I become. I become focused on myself on not on Christ. And all the while becoming trapped in “functional saviors” that satisfy us for a little while but only serve to distract us from Jesus. The Gospel is not a command to do anything, it is a proclamation that God has already done it, “It is finished.” 

Because Jesus was someone, I am free to be no one. Because Jesus was extraordinary, I am free to be ordinary. Because Jesus succeeded for me, I am free to fail, because Jesus has won for me, I am free to lose.


Remember that Christian! What are you going to do now that you don’t have to do anything?