I just read that Michigan is number thirteen in the nation for the number of trafficking cases (this is not exclusive to sex trafficking but includes forced labor as well).  The average age of a prostitute in Michigan is twelve.  A teenager in Michigan is more likely to be trafficking than to be in a car accident.


Trafficking is at so many more levels than, "A girl decides to be a prostitute and then someone takes advantage of her and yeah, bad things happen, but it's her own fault."
Honestly, I am sick of hearing people so complacent with this issue.  Here in America, if it doesn't effect us, we don't care about it.  The moment our sister or daughter or son or nephew get involved, then it's personal and we start talking about it, but until then, we don't care.  This has got to change.  Right now, we live in an Ecclesiastes 4:1-world.
"Again, I observed all the oppression that takes place under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have great power, and their victims are helpless."
– Ecclesiastes 4:1
Are we really going to just sit and let the oppressors have power while our selfishness rules our life?  Eternity is in the heart of all men, and the heart of eternity (God's kingdom) is justice.  The very ground that God gave us is filled with living hell.  No more!  I literally can't sit still anymore, this has to stop.  
I talk about wanting to see heaven, about wanting to see God, and I do. 
But I also want to see the scariest thing I've ever asked God to show me: I want to see hell.  Darkness cannot be exposed, freedom cannot be found, and the oppressed cannot be comforted without someone first seeing hell.  I cannot see miracles without first seeing the need.
Luckily, I am not going alone.  I have a wonderful team and squad coming with me for "round one" of seeing hell on earth.  Please be praying with us for safety, but also please be praying for destruction of our fleshly mindsets and for God's mindset to replace our own.   
My next blog will be about my team, so be on the lookout for a group of crazy girls like myself who desire to see the face of our God.