So here we are all 3 of us at the starting line… let’s just say this is about to get personal but oh so needed. On your mark.. get set.. GO! Now you may be wondering who is in this race. God, me, and the devil. I’m chasing after the good the Lord but the devil gets in the way (as he always tries to do)

By the devil I mean all the ungodly things that were in my life for the past 2 years. 2 years ago I entered into something that I thought would last forever.. someone who I thought was my forever. Started out perfect, encouragement, kinds words, and the best thing having God in the center of the relationship. Soon after we decided to move to another state. This is when things turn not just in the relationship but in my personal life as well. God stopped being in the center of the relationship and stopped being in my life. I lived for coming home to my man and cuddling (silly I know) but I loved it. Then things literally turned into a nightmare.. the whole thing relationship was like over. I hung on trying to make someone love me. We brought out the worse in each other. Great person but way wrong for me.. let me tell you the devil is in the lead and God was long out of my site. I was destroyed.. broken..confused.. and lost completely lost. 

But we all know the Lord is right there by us. I was strolling by the lake to try to clear my mind. I’m listening to Lauren Daigle pandora radio station. I just start crying begging out to the Lord to forgive me for straying away and living worldly and not by him. I knew i needed to get out but still couldn’t bring myself to leave the one i loved. But i knew if i didn’t leave it wouldn’t be good. 

Let me tell y’all God is amazing.. I moved back home. It took months.. actually i’m still recovering. I had to start over, find my place again, find who i am, learn to be by myself, learn to love myself and not rely off of people for love. But I’m more me than i have been in over a year. God is back to being the center of my life. Im following my dream.. Im following my calling.. Im truly happy. Even when i walked away from God he was there for when i needed him more than ever. When i thought my broken pieces could never be put back together but God is beautiful and does amazing things. 

Let me say this a little louder for those of you in the back. God is there for you. You need him. I need him. 

We all have a past.. this is just part of my past. A piece of me to help you understand a little better of who i am. You’ll get to learn more about me and my walk with christ throughout this journey.

Acts 17: 26-27 “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.”

By the way God is winning the race and i’m chasing fearlessly.


p.s. I’m still trying to learn how to do this whole blog thing so stick with me. It’ll get better.