To everyone who has received my letter and so graciously responded so far- THANK YOU! This trip cannot take place without you. I want you all to know that you are just as much a part of this journey as I am. I am humbled and so very grateful for your generosity!
Below is some information on donations. If you have ANY questions regarding contributions to my trip, please feel free to contact me any time!
Donating Options: Monthly Donating Options-
- With monthly donations through my blog site, you may select a start date and automatic stop date. NO FEES! YAY!
- You can also give monthly through a website called Dynapay, which you can sign up for at There aren’t any processing fees when using Dynapay, but Dynapay won’t allow you to choose an automatic stop date at the time you set up donations. You have to contact Donor Relations when you want to stop the donations at [email protected] or call 1-800-881-2461 ex 251.
- Also keep in mind with monthly payments, that if you wanted to support me for all 11 months you would need to start before I actually leave, because my final deadline is six months into the Race.
Donating Online- NO FEES
- To donate online, you can go to my blog page at, and click on the “Support & Send Me” link on the left hand side under my picture of my blog page and then follow the donating instructions.
Sending a donation in the mail-
- By sending a gift in the mail there are no additional fees!
- Make checks payable to Adventures in Missions and you must include “World Race Ali Woods” in the memo line, otherwise the donation will not be directed to my account. Please mail all checks to Adventures in Missions, PO Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570
Please contact me when you put a check in the mail so that I can keep AIM up to date on my current support total, because sometimes checks can take weeks to process before they actually reflect in my account – Thank you!!
Tax Deduction Information-
- Adventures in Missions is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Donors will receive receipts for their gifts with the understanding that the disbursement of those gifts lies completely at the discretion of Adventures in Missions and that the gifts are non-refundable and non-transferable, per IRS regulations. Gifts may be tax deductible; please consult a tax adviser.
If 50 people commit to contributing $30 per month I am gone (11months), or if 150 people make a one-time donation of $110, I will be fully funded. Whatever you are able to give $1-$1000, it is greatly needed and appreciated! Lives are about to be changed- yours included.
Thank you again for your support!