Wow, I have been at G42 for five and a half months now. A lot of you are probably wondering what I have been doing. I could go through the itinerary for each day, or tell you what a typical week looks like at G42. However, the most important part is what I have learned here, and how I have grown.

Photo Credit: Harris Richie

If I had tried to write this blog four months ago, I don’t think I would have known where to start. A lot happens in six months at G42. It’s hard to pin point exactly when change happens or when a switch gets flipped. Through discipleship from staff, impartation from the teachers, and community with fellow interns, God is speaking revelation into people’s hearts. As the weeks have gone by, I have begun walk in a deeper level of freedom.

As I talked to friends and family from home, I began to ask myself… What exactly does living in a deeper level of freedom mean? I used those words, but I really wasn’t sure what I meant by them. So today, I have sat down and wrote out what that means to me.

To me living in freedom is living my life fully as myself and knowing that I am accepted. It’s knowing that the more I look like Christ, the more I look like the Ali I was created to be. It’s knowing that I may look more like Christ tomorrow than I do today, but today I am exactly who I need to be. As I grow and change, all along the way I am consistently perfect just the way that I am.

Freedom is knowing that God is not looking and waiting for the next time that I screw up. And that when I do, I am immediately forgiven. There isn’t a reset button every day, every week or every month. It’s immediate.

Freedom is knowing that Jesus came to fulfill the law, and through that, we no longer live under the law. Now, through Christ we live under grace and love!

Freedom is being confident in who I am. I am confident in my relationship with Christ. I’m not worried about messing up, because God’s not worried about me messing up.

Freedom for me is knowing that I am born to be loved. God created me for no other reason than to love me. I was not created to worship or do good works. I was born to be loved, and because of that I want to love him back with everything I have. I worship and I do my best to love other people in the same way he loves me, because by loving others, I can show my love to Him.

Freedom is understanding that God doesn’t need anything from me, but that what he wants is to partner with me. That through me and the rest of the church, God wants His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.

G42 has been a place that has helped me to not only to understand my identity as a daughter of the king of kings, but it has helped me to walk confidently in that identity, fully in freedom.

God calls me daughter, friend, beloved, righteous, holy and blameless, a citizen of heaven, more than a conqueror and an ambassador of Christ.

Photo Credit: Brianna Hudson

Over the course of my time here at G42, I have become confident in my ability to ask others to follow me as I follow Christ. I have been given the opportunity to do this through leading a squad of World Racers beginning in January. I am honored to be able to lead and love a group of racers as they grow in their relationships with the Lord. It is going to be privilege to be able to walk with them as they go through the hardships and challenges of the World Race, and see the glory and provision of the Lord.

If you would like to support me while I am squad leading, please choose the “Support Me!” link at the top of this page. I need to raise $6500. Thank you for your partnership! My life and many others have been changed through your donations.