We were asked to share with you why we’re going on this world missions adventure called the World Race. I’m going around the world in 11 months, because…

of them….

and her…

and him…

and them too…

They all have names. They want to be known. They need help.

They should be helped shouln’dt they? So why not me?

In 2006 I went to Tanzania, Africa for 3 weeks to work with AIDS orphans. I went to their schools, their curches, their hospital, their homes. A seed was planted. While I was there my heart was broken for the people. Is it not a human right to have food? clean water? love? health care? education? Well in the places I have been the people are not getting it.

As I boarded the plane to return to the states I couldn’t stop asking myself, “Why was I born into a country and a family that provided everything I needed?” and “Why them?”

Well I dont know the answer to those questions. But I do know that they need help. But obviously, it is not just Africa that needs help, there is a world full of people. The World Race will provide a way for me to help for one month in 11 differrent countries. Why shouldn’t I go?

There was a period of time I thought about just raising money and sending it to them in efforts to help. But then I remembered how the people changed me and how much it meant to them that I was there. They need to know we care and all the money in the world cannot equal the meaning of a hug or a shoulder to cry on. I am supposed to do this. I am being called by God!

“…I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you received..” Ephesians 4:1

I know you have all seen the news or movies about poverty. But when you stand face to face in front of a baby with flies plastered to his face and he is so used to it he doesn’t try to brush them away…some thing happens to you.

Something happened to me…I wanted more. So I started to seek out opportunities for more….

Stay tuned for part 2 to see how I chose The World Race…

and who knows? Maybe it is right for you.