About 3 months ago one of my team mates, Natalie began telling me (prophetically) how big month  8
of the Race was going to be for me, and how I was going to “come alive.” And in Swaziland at the
 beginning of the month Gary Black prophesied that I would have a double portion the next 45 days.  

At the time I thought, “That will be nice, but I can’t do much with that for now.” Well the time has come,
 and February is here. I have been in the midst of month 8 and alive I am, more than ever.
 I must begin by explaining ministry here. 5 Alive is living with Pastor Gama (our host and translator) and
his wife Rose. We go out every day to different parts of Zomba, Malawi . We have been asked to
 preach daily through our testimonies, the word, and whatever the Holy Spirit leads (we also have
done youth programs, women’s meetings, and many prayer sessions.) We walk or drive to a location
 and wait for about 1 hour for everyone to gather and we usually have a crowd from 20 to 120. All 5 of
 us usually share something (3 people give their testimonies, 1 preaches a message, and 1 tells the
The first few days here I volunteered to share the gospel and pray with those who want to
 accept Jesus in their hearts. As I got comfortable getting in front of these people and preaching to
them…something has happened. It seems as though I stand up and pray for God to speak through me
 and before I know it I speak for about 30-45 minutes about Jesus and then the majority of people come
forward/raise their hands enthusiastically to begin their relationship with Jesus. Then my team and I pray
for the sick and someone is always healed!
It may have something to do with me falling in love with our God more and more. Every morning I wake up
and I can’t wait to spend time with him. I get ready quickly so I can dive into His word and into His presence. 
I want to read the word, and thank Him, praise Him, tell Him everything that is going on with me, and my
struggles. He has revealed some ugliness in me and is taking it away. I have finally begun the process
of letting Him take an idol I have been worshipping for many years, and allowing Him to raise up the
servants attitude in my heart.
I am surprised by all that is going on here in wonderful Malawi. I have found that I love love love
preaching and teaching! I enjoy sharing Jesus with people and encouraging them and bringing God’s
kingdom to earth. I never knew this would be so fun! The more I surrender the closer I get to our Lord God.
This has been confirmation for me to go to the Spain Leadership Academy in June as I know they will help
me grow even more in these areas. I still do not know if I am to do what I am doing in the States or abroad
 but I do know I love encouraging people in and outside the church and speaking to them about Jesus. I just
want you to know I didn’t expect this and I am surprised to see this come alive in me. Please be praying for
 me, as the end of the Race ends I will go home to Colorado Springs for only 3 weeks, and then off to
Malaga, Spain for 6 months. I want to learn more but it is bittersweet to have to leave again so quickly…
and I miss my family and home. Pray that I will continue to live out God’s calling on my life through
 obedience and surrender and for much fruit the last 3 months of the World Race.