I want to share one of my latest conversations with God. I was inspired by an excellent book, “Walking With God” by John Eldredge, to ask 2 questions. In the book he asks God “How Am I Doing?” I really wasn’t sure what God was going to say but I do know that I was not doing super great. The enemy has been at work this past month trying to steal my joy on a daily basis. I have been waking up feeling exhaustion, irritation, dread, anger. I have been feeling tired. Most of this is Satan at work trying to bring us down. Each of the girls I am living with have been afflicted with the same things.  He knows we are working hard to finish the Race strong and He does not like it.
As wonderful as The World Race is and as much as I love my new family, the end of it is nearing, and it has been HARD to finish STRONG. All this to say, I quieted myself and my thoughts to talk to the Lord and I asked Him,


 1.    How do I think I am doing?
2.     How do you think I am doing?
                                                                         He answered;

                                                       1.    Try Harder

                                                       2.    Enough

I asked, “Lord reveal a deeper meaning to the answers you have graciously given to me.”
He answered, “You are hard on yourself and striving and trying to do something better than what I have given you, like please people. Try try try. Do do do. There is not enough trust in the Lord. Not enough REST.  You are pressing yourself to try harder and have not yet found the balance of self sufficiency in Christ. You feel like you are drowning. You think you are treading water and if you stop for a second,  you are going down. You’ll go under. “
I had no idea this is where I was at. I was surprised and astonished. I know better than this. I have been learning it all year long. But I need to know the 2nd part too.
“And God what did you say? You said , “Enough” in regards to my second question. What does it mean?”
He told me, “I am Enough for you. I always have been and always will be. Enough of you try try trying. Enough. Rest in Me, Let me do the work . You will not drown or go under. The harder you go treading water, the less you trust me. Stand up on your feet. Walk by Faith and not by sight. Remain and Abide. Alison, you are enough. You are Enough. I want you to believe in your heart as well as your head that I am more than Enough for you.”

So I have been trying to do just that. Rest in the Lord.