Pattaya, Thailand is known for the sex tourism. Tourists come here from all over the world. The ministry we are working with this month helps the girls get out of their jobs in the bars and teaches them
English and offers a different job. (i.e. training in hair styling, coffee shop, making cards)
Tonight I was feeling worse than ever about how the girls live and what they are forced to do. If they had a choice for a job that made as much money, they would not be here. But there are not many other options for other jobs here. Out of 70,000 people in Pattaya, 20,000 are woman who work in prostitution, and over 2 million tourists visit a year. That ticks me off.
Today, after helping teach English class to the girls we set out to the bars. We go and tell the bar girls and prostitutes about the free English classes and about the programs that can change their lives. My Thai friend Tan (pronounced Dawn) and I sat down at one of the 20 surrounding outside bars. As we ordered our cokes one of the girls who looked like she was 17 hopped on top of the bar and starting dancing seductively in her almost non-existent outfit to the blaring music. She was screaming at any man who walked by, “Welcome! You in here, WELLLCOOOME!” As if the garish fluorescent lights, bumping music, and all the woman decked out in layers of make-up and scandelous clothing were not enough, she screamed for more clients. At this particular location none of the girls spoke English. I let Tan get to know one of the girls as I sat silently praying, since it is easier to just let one person talk at a time.
A white man came and sat down next to me. Without even thinking I asked him where he was from. (I didn’t stop to think why, I just intrinsically knew the Lord sat him down next to me for me to speak to him.)
This man (I will call Rob) is from Australia and has been in Pattaya for one month on vacation. I swear to you after all the anger and judgment I have sinfully dealt to these men in my thought-life, God simply worked a miracle in me. I heard my voice speaking kindly and lovingly, asking questions with ease. I no longer cared why he was here on vacation, or why he had come to this bar. I felt love for him. I knew it was the Holy Spirit. I heard myself asking what Rob did in Australia. After hearing a bit about his life and hearing him say Pattaya is a hard place to leave after being here a month, he asked me why I was here. I told him I was a Christian and that I was here to help the prostitutes and bar girls, and to love them. I also mentioned we were volunteering at an orphanage the following day.
It was almost time for me to leave and meet up with the other 14 people who had dispersed to other surrounding bars. I asked Rob how I could pray for him. He told me to pray for the girls and that they would get other jobs and have better lives. Then he told me to pray for the orphans here. I said, “Rob, I already pray for them. What can I ask God for you?” He said, “I have no complaints.” I replied, “Can I pray that God would bless you and your life before I leave?” He said yes. After putting my hand on his arm and blessing him in Jesus’ name I left. I was walking away to meet my group and I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Rob. He handed me a sum of money and told me to give it to the orphanage I am going to work at tomorrow.

My team and I pray for 4 bar girls who commit their lives to Christ at a worship Me with a little girl named Puey at the orphanage. She had mumps and
event we had inside a bar! couldnt play with the othe children : (
For more on the ministries I have teamed up with this month check out: (The Tamar Center, who gives hope to prostitues and bar girls)