We arrived in Ho Chi minh City, Vietnam last week. It didn’t take us long to realize the hotel we are staying in for the month is actually a place where prostitutes bring their clients through-out the night, every night, but only on the ground level. (The squad is staying on the first, second, and, third levels)

There are 30 woman total who use the hotel for their work. I want to make it clear that our squad is in no danger whatsoever. We were originally planning on staying with a Christian woman who had offered us lodging. But God had other plans, and closed that door. Upon our first night at this hotel, fellow squad member Tara Bruce headed up an all night prayer watch, which we call “Fire in the Night.”  Each person on the squad signs up to pray in the hallway with a partner for one hour every night. From 10:00pm to 7:00am this building is continuously covered in prayer. This is not any wimpy half hearted prayer either. God has us living in this building to fight a spiritual battle. We pray on the spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:10-19) and then expect to get it dirty, what good is shiny, clean armor anyway?

We are having amazing revelations from God regarding this hotel. We found out that it used to be owned by Christians and host missionaries. I am certain God is reclaiming this building for His glory. One evening as I was praying with 3 other girls on the squad I felt called to march down to that ground level and explode prayer over it. As it was an earlier shift of the night, it was not too busy yet. As we went down the stairs, the air became thick, dark, and nasty. (Have you ever been somewhere where you can just FEEL evil in the air?) But, we were not going to take it. We walked up and down he hall marking each door with the sign of the cross, declaring, “The blood over the cross covers this room.” We declared peace and righteousness over the rooms. We called out for God to reclaim this ground. We cried for him to make himself known to the lost who use the lower level for perverse intimacy and lust. By the time we finished praying there was a cool breeze moving in the hall, it was literally cool, light and peaceful. The Holy Spirit changed the atmosphere, He changed the air.

As we go to spend with AIDS patients, hold and feed the abandoned baabies at the cerebral palsey hospital, visit the handicapped children, and fellowship with university students we are seeing God move. Yes it is dark here. The violent past and the confusion of many different religions clouds this city, and poverty is evident for many. But God wants these people to know they are loved, that they are created to be loved and they are created for greatness.

The squad decided we want to do more. Sunday night we are going to pray for Vietnam from 11:00pm to around 3:00am. Some of us will stay up until the morning. We are being called to be light in the dark. Would you lift up Viet Nam in your prayers this Sunday? Please pray God would come like a fire and envelop these people with His love and grace. Would you consider praying or fasting through out your day (I think 10am to 2:00pm Mountain Time)? If you are interested in joining us please post by clicking on the comment link below.


“The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun will never set again and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.” Isaiah 60:19-20