So i haven’t updated in a while. I’m very sorry! The World Race is comprised of various challenges and God works in ways so that you get put into uncomfortable situations frequently. Usually that looked like Him putting me in a situation where I had to let Him make me brave so I could pray over someone in need or speak life into someone hurting. Sometimes it looked like playing with children and sharing about Jesus. Other times it was just sitting down and speaking to the rescued prostitute or to a couple of homeless ladies who don’t really speak the same language as you. Sometimes it’s having the hard conversation with your team mates that you really don’t want to, for your junk of for theirs. It’s facing all the dirt you’ve built up in you and letting Him wipe it away in a slow, painful, but everlasting way. I’ve had to step up and step out in areas I never wanted to and it’s been hard, but it’s good. He’s making me more Christ-like. It’s hard for me to love like Jesus, but I’m learning. 


So at the beginning of month 3 in Thailand I ended up in the hospital to find out I had gall stones and they wanted to operate on me as soon as possible to remove the stones. I had a brief window of time to decide if I would get operated on there or fly back home for the operation. I prayed about it a lot and decided to go home for the operation. I had to have a lot more tests run when I made it back and found out I had stones in my bile duct and would need those removed first. Thankfully I passed them myself before I had to go in for the procedure. So, now I’m in the USA waiting to have not only my stones, but my whole gall bladder removed. Another uncomfortable situation. It’s okay though because He’s the Comforter I need. 


It’s strange being back in the USA. Really strange. It’s good to see all my loved ones. I’ve missed them terribly. Now I miss my World Race family. I get to pray for them everyday, like I prayed for my family back home. I’m a couple of weeks away from surgery and I’m eager to go back on the field. I left my heart in Asia and I long to go back to follow Jesus with my brothers and sisters there.



I was worried I’d be getting left behind by having to stop mid Race for surgery and recovery, but I realized pretty quickly that God, being the amazing and good Father He is, was still working on me and doing work here too. This is just another part of the journey. I can have as much of Him as I want. You can too. I don’t have to be half a world away from everyone I know in order to surrender to Him and die to myself and follow Him. Neither do you. Start where you’re at, but only if you’re tired of living for yourself and you’re ready for death to yourself and something more amazing than you could ever fathom. There’s nothing better than living out the purpose for your life while in a loving relationship with your creator. 



I’m grateful He did call me on the World Race, and I’m excited to get back on the field after surgery. Thank you for all the support and prayers! My squad is now in Laos, a closed country so please keep them in your prayers. Thank you! =]