So you haven’t heard from me in a while. I’ve been sick and busy. After the week of debrief I ended up sick for a week, so I missed a lot of ministry. It was very frustrating, but I learned a lot about the importance of resting in Him. 

The second week here ministry was very hands on. We were assigned to work with an organization called , they left the U.S. to do ministry in Nepal. So we were deemed the construction team and it was our job to clean out this untouched school building, which consisted of plastering the cracked walls, sanding all of the walls, priming the walls, and painting the walls. There were about 12 of us for the entire floor of a four story building. It was a time of physical stretching and an exercise in having the right heart set for the work at hand. It was a blessing to be able to pour out our time and efforts to help build up the body of Christ here by simply doing some physical labor. Being able to give encouragement to our brothers and sisters is good work and serves to encourage us to. It was a shift from the previous work we had, which was more spiritually focused.

Here’s some photos of the work we did!


I’m getting ready to sweep and sand the walls! Working hard!


Here it is sanded! 


With the primer!


All done! It’s so yellow.

 (Note that this is one room and we did this for 8, some of which were large open offices)

This week was our last here in Nepal before we leave for Thailand. We did a faith day in which we had no money and had to get places and food by faith. A stranger paid for our cab ride to the slum we were heading to. We went back to a slum that my team had gone to previously, to bring them pictures. There was much joy and encouragement there. We Also hiked up a mountain and prayed a lot. It was gorgeous. Face book will have all the photos of all these things, since it would take too long to post them all here. 

This month’s ministry has been a long lesson in the power of prayer and cultivating the habit of spending time with God, so we can have Him outflow from us into the rest of the day. It’s difficult to pour out love, truth, and encouragement if you don’t have the source. You should try spending time with Him daily, just to soak up His presence and be open to listen to what He has to say.

Thanks for your prayers and support! Stay tuned!