Yes, I’m still alive and kickin! 🙂  Sorry it has been almost a month since I’ve posted anything. I tend to either forget or just figure that Ali has posted enough for the both of us! You should check out her stories and pics from this past month so you can be caught up (click on Ali Mitchell). 

Hmm…where to start? Well, I’ve been in Matamoros, Mexico for almost TWO whole months now. WHOA!!! Who ever would have thought that I’d end up in Mexico, much less for two months! It’s been an amazing, restful time though. Hanging out with the FYM team has been both a blessing and an encouragement. As Ali and I have kind of fallen into a discipler role for some of the girls, it’s funny to see how we’ve influenced them along the way.
* dirty kid syndrome
* dreadlocks
* knitting

The Dirty Kid Syndrome:                                                                                                                                                    
Well, for those of you who know me, I often like to spread out my showers. They just seem to feel better when you’ve hit day number 4—the water feels more refreshing, the shampoo seems to smell brighter, and your body just feels cleaner. Being here in Mexico, where the hot water runs out quite frequently and the dust is constantly consuming you as you walk down the street, it just seems like a good idea to NOT take a shower every morning. As the girls have observed mine and Ali’s “dirty kid syndrome” technique, some have taken a likin’ to it 🙂                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

I guess this is just the next step in the dirty kid syndrome. After living in New Orleans after the hurricane, I didn’t have much of a choice as to how I would fix my hair everyday; hence, the small ponytail/bun that has essentially formed into a few dreadlocks. I love it! It’s a bit freeing—no more conditioner, hairdryers, or straightners! Again, being the observant girls that they are, (especially with two cool girls like me and Ali, haha!), a few decided to step out in faith and take that next step. Deanna and Rachel began the process and the dreads seemed to be forming well and quickly. However, our two little friends grew quite impatient and decided that they couldn’t handle it. SAD! They looked awesome! But, I guess it’s a little freightning to think about having to cut all of your hair off OR having some random “friends” in your hair (spiders are BAD in Mexico). 🙂

And the third step to the dirty kid syndrome, especially for those who experience cold weather quite often and sometimes unexpectedly. It got down to the mid 30’s here the other day, and not having heat in a completely concrete building = no showers for anyone! So, the girls decided that I would teach them to knit scarves. Deanna, Danielle, and Katie were fast and eager learners. Danielle was so eager that she even knit with school yarn and pens, haha!!
Now that’s dedication!  

Well, I don’t know if you would say that Ali and I are good influences/disciplers or not, but I think teaching a little bit of simplicity can go a long way in life.