When the reality of the World Race is hard…I remember that I chose this.
When I’m hot and sweaty and carrying 60 pounds uphill…I remember that I chose this.
When I’m tired of wearing the same clothes everyday…I remember that I chose this.
When I have blisters on my hands and dirt under my nails…I remember that I chose this.
When I can’t understand my contact or any of the labels…I remember that I chose this.
When I haven’t showered in days…I remember that I chose this.
When I miss my family…I remember that I chose this.
When I can’t talk to them because there is no internet access…I remember that I chose this.
When I’m on a hot train or bus or plane for hours…I remember that I chose this.
When my teammates get on my nerves…I remember that I chose this.
When I’m not really sure what I’m eating…I remember that I chose this.
When my alone time is spent surrounded by people…I remember that I chose this.
When I have more mosquito bites than I can count…I remember that I chose this.
When 11 months seems like forever…I remember that I chose this.
I chose this…all of this. A life of sacrifice. A life of putting God first and others second. A life of uncomfortable situations and challenges. And it’s not always easy, but…
When little kids run up calling my name…I remember that I chose this.
When they grab my hand and walk with me…I remember that I chose this.
When they tell me they love me…I remember that I chose this.
When orphans know they are loved…I remember that I chose this.
When babushkas laugh with me…I remember that I chose this.
When I hike through woods and climb to the top of mountains…I remember that I chose this.
When the colors of the sunset are perfect…I remember that I chose this.
When I have the opportunity to dance in open fields…I remember that I chose this.
When life is poured into me and that life is poured into others…I remember that I chose this.
When I have 10,000 reasons to praise God at the end of the day…I remember that I chose this.
When I realize my identity in Christ…I remember that I chose this.
When I walk in that identity…I remember that I chose this.
When God shows up…I remember that I chose this.
When people are set free…I remember that I chose this.
When destinies are realized…I remember that I chose this.
I chose this race. I chose to live life in a way not many people want to choose, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the hard times because they make me appreciate the good times even more. Best life ever…I chose this.