I leave for Atlanta at 12:15 pm on September 5th, almost exactly 13 hours from this very moment.  One minute, I’m bursting out of my seat with excitement, ready to hug my squad in Atlanta & love God’s people wherever He will send me.  But the next, I wilt thinking about the friends, family, comfort, & life I’m leaving behind.  It’s terrifying to think that in a week, I will be in a city that has yet to be disclosed to me, in the middle of Guatemala, thousands of miles away from familiarity.  

I know that God has granted peace in the parts my heart ready for His adventures for me. And I trust that God will carry the little pieces I leave behind. I believe God will mend & transform the pieces of me that ache for the people & places I love in the states. I pray He will even fill a few holes with desires I have been blind to until this adventure.  My heart is torn in two, half pushing forward into the unknown, half lagging behind in my beloved Wisconsin & home.

I feel ready. I feel unbelievably unprepared.  I feel terrified.  I feel hopeful. 

As I go, I am thankful that feelings lie.  The reality is I am not, and never will be, fully prepared for the things I will see & the places I will go & the conversations I will have. But I am more prepared than ever, equipped with every need & more by the Giver of all. I will be graced with the tools, courage, energy, & joy necessary because I am not alone on this journey.  The things I feel waver & change like the wind in the trees.  But the God I serve commands the wind and the trees with His breath alone.  Please pray that the only thing I would feel is held by God Most High.



Contacting me!

There are a few ways you can contact me in the field! 

1.) Email {[email protected]}- I would love to receive updates on how you and your families are doing!  Please give me grace with responding, but know that when I open my email & I have an inbox of stories from back home, my heart will be overjoyed.

2.) Comment on my blog! {below :}

3.) Facebook {Ali Geisler}

I leave the states Tuesday, September 9th, & will do my best to blog on a weekly or bi-weekly basis!  Subscribe to your left on this page & you will receive an email notification whenever I post a new blog.  I cannot say how thankful I am for each of you & your interest in me.  I love you all.

Meeting team mates parents has been one of the best parts of launch!

Two of our sweet squad leaders (JM & Alyssa)!