The first week of my World Race journey has begun! Four days ago I went with three other members of my T squad to help Alexe, a Romanian man on a mission to share the love of Jesus with his village. We weeded his garden and harvested honey from his bee hives. Below are pictures and a short video of time spent with Alexe and his family.

Before weeding 


After weeding

Alexe is an incredible man who has been changed by the love of God. A very short version of his story is that he used to be a fighter, legit MMA style street fighting, before his life was transformed by Jesus. In his own broken English he would say "I used to be a bad boy, now I am changed because of Jesus love for me."

Alexe and his wife, Veronica, have four children. One of their kids, Joshua, is in the film below smiley

Alexe and Veronica started a church in their own yard after Alexe received a vivid vision of a large church building right next to his house. Today we attended a service in the church they have built since then, where four of my squad mates shared their testimonies and fifteen of us sang worship songs. 

Shelby shared her testimony in English while Florina translated to Romanian.

Alexe and Veronica's dream is to help their community physically and spiritually by teaching their neighbors to fish and harvest their own honey and by having weekly bible studies for men women and children as well as hold church services every Sunday. Alexe has said many of his neighbors can not find jobs and he wold love to teach them to fish opposed to just giving them a fish. 

Below is a very short film of Jeff, Christian, Christa, Alexe and myself harvesting honey. The next time you see a bee, remember to pray for Alexe and Veronica as they selflessly serve the Lord in their small Romanian village.