My fundraising efforts up to this point have consisted of sending out support letters, selling T-shirts, asking people face to face to consider donating as well as watching the mysteries of Facebook inspire both friends and anonymous people to donate.

One of the first things that I was told about the fundraising process was to be ready to be blown away by the generosity of people and the faithfulness of God. I have been humbled numerous times by both.

One account of a humbling experience came through an email from a friend of a friend. This friend of friends name is Kaitlin. (I hope you don’t mind me sharing this story Kaitlin!) Kaitlin was checking out my Facebook because we had mutual friends, she soon stumbled upon this blog and was not only inspired to send me and encouraging email but she also donated towards my adventure. WHAT! This was not calculated into my fundraising expectations, but wow was that cool! There have been a handful of other experiences of past friends stumbling upon my blog or watching my video who have been inspired to share their excitement for me as well as support me financially. I never would have thought I would be so happy to have a Facebook.

I must also share the amazing support my family has shown me, from giving large donations to setting up Silpada  and Comedy Club fundraisers in the near future. My
family has been nothing but supportive and I am so thankful to have them on my team. This past Christmas season I was reminded of just how blessed I am to have a loving family. For the first time since being accepted for the World Race I had the realization of how much I am going to miss them while I am gone. A little history about my life up to this point: I have lived in State College my whole life, I have not been gone from home for more than 5 weeks, and I have never experienced a Christmas without my family.

The last thing I want to write about is an update on how much money I have raised and how much I still need. As of today, January 9th, $6,922.99 has been raised! With the total amount needed at $15,500 I still need to raise $8,577.78.

Whoot! Thank you to all of those who have already supported!

Upcoming fundraisers:
January 29th: Silpada Jewelry Fundraiser.
What a success! Still waiting on the final money amount that has been raised. But from the amount of people that have place orders…I know it's going to be huge!

January 31st: Adams Apple Tip Jar Fundraiser: Come to The Tavern Restaurant's  Bar (The Adams Apple) located in downtown State College, buy a drink and tip well! All tips received in the bar will be donated towards my world race adventure! 7-11pm! Over 680 was raised!

Febuary 23rd: Wise Crackers Comedy Club Fundraiser and Silent Auction. Contact me if you would like to purchase a $20 ticket! Whoohoo! Thank you to everyone who came out! Close to $4,000 was added towards my goal from this one night!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated! With your help I have reached the goal of raising $15,500! I am still fundraising for extra expenses, not covered by the $15,500, such as gear, medications, plane tickets etc… as well as for my teammates who are still in the process of fundraising!

Please contact me at [email protected] if you would still like to contribute towards my world race experience financially