God is unpredictably amazing! Over the past couple of weeks He has been showing up everywhere. My heart is overwhelmed with gratefulness. I just want to jump with joy over the blessings he has showered me with.  

As my fundraising has started I have gotten the opportunity to talk about the World Race and why I am going with numerous people. One conversation worth sharing happened between me and seven year old named Xavier. I was babysitting Xavier and we were using my iphone to take videos and pictures. As we scrolled through my phone he saw a pictures of me holding signs “World Race July 2013.” and “11 countries, 11 months, $15,000.”

Our conversation went like this 

“Ali why are you holding that sign?” Xavier

“Well I’m going on a mission trip around the world and I need to raise money to go on the trip, $15,000 to be exact” Me

“whoa, did you raise all that money yet?” – Xavier

“Nope, I have just about $1,000 raised.” – me

Xavier then ran away and came back about a minute later and asked me to close my eyes. I closed my eyes and he shoved something in my pocket. 

“Open your eyes Ali!” Xavier

I reached in my pocket to find four dollars 🙂 (two 1 dollar bills and a 2 dollar bill)

I had the biggest smile on my face, I turned to Xavier and said “what’s this for?”

He said “I think you can guess” I said “Is it for my trip?” With a smile on his face his shook his head and said “yes.” 

I have been babysitting Xavier since he was 3…needless to say this was a precious moment.
I love this Kid. 

Xavier with his sister, Elizabeth, on his sholders.