Hello!!! I graduated from Penn State in May 2013 with a BA in sociology. I grew up in Central Pennsylvania and never left! I worked at a local restaurant called The Tavern as a waitress for 3 years. I loved my job and I went to a great school!
I have been blessed with a loving family who has always supported me through all the crazy adventures I have been on, including the World Race.
God has showered me with his love and recently I have been experiencing Him in amazing ways. I am eager to continue to experience God and be a part of others experiencing him as I travel the World.
Here are some quick facts about me:
I am 23 years old. Give it up for the year 1989!
I love the verse Micah 7:7 that says, “As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me.”
God has always been there for me when others have left or let me down. As I wait for the Lords instruction I am confident that he will hear me!
I was a Young Life leader from 2008-2010
I played baseball for 5 years-then switched to softball and played for another 6 years
I had braces from second grade to eighth grade
I have 3 brothers, 2 parents, and 4 grandparents – love them!
My favorite number is seven
I enjoy being outside.
My favorite color is green
Birds fascinate me … The North American Arctic Tern (below) flies about 24,000 miles a year!
I was a middle school youth group leader at Calvary Baptist Church in State College from the fall of 2011 to the summer of 2013 (Shout out to the xstream team and students!)
One of my favorite hobbies is to sit outside and enjoy a campfire on a cool night.
I have been on three separate week long mission trips to the Dominican Republic, helping with The Rose of Sharon Orphanage.
I sleep talk and sleep walk (Shout out to my college “Nitch” roommates who experienced this first hand!)
One last fact…I love praying. When I was 16 God gave me a serious passion for praying and recently has ignited my heart for prayer. (If you need some prayer-holler- I would LOVE to pray for you!)