In their terrifying beauty, storms have a way of causing immediate and momentary chaos while furtively bringing forth the most divine fruit. Though overwhelming at times, we are NEVER alone in these storms. In scripture, storms are a reoccurring scene and image of hopelessness and desperation, but Jesus is always just a cry for help away. After he feeds the five thousand in John 6, Jesus and his disciples are retreating to the other side of the lake, separately, when a storm starts brewing and scares the disciples in the boat. In the midst of the wind and waves, when the disciples finally look up, they see Jesus coming toward them, WALKING ON THE WATER! The season of life that I’m in has brought doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, and a number of other storms, but I’m learning that God is allowing me to be in this maelstrom so that I can look up and see that Jesus is walking toward me on the water, just a prayer a way. I don’t agree that everything happens for a reason, but I know that God brings meaning out of everything, always for his glory and our good. Had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego never been thrown in the fire, they never would have realized Jesus was in there with them. When Abraham obeys God and is willing to sacrifice Isaac, the Father rewards his obedience and provides the most perfect ram to sacrifice instead. His grace and mercy always come in our most desperate hour and never a second too late. The past five months of fundraising have been anything but easy and I’m not done yet but Jesus keeps sending sweet reminders of his faithfulness and omnipotent love, agape love. The enemy is so good at feeding me lies and making my storms rage crazier and longer but I’ve been learning that God is allowing me to be in these waters because my enemies can’t swim. Preparing, financially and spiritually, has been and will continue to be a journey but I’ve got the best guide. I’m absolutely ECSTATIC to see all the amazing things the Lord has in store for me on the race and in the months leading up to it! thanks for checking in!