In 2018 God…



•gave me my best friends and a new community

•showed me that choosing him is worth every earthly loss

•freed me from guilt and shame and showed me what it looks like to walk in victory

•met my needs for the race

•helped me walk away from people/things that were hindering me

•spoke to me in new ways

•proved his faithfulness in the midst of my doubt

•let me be a part of bringing heaven to earth

•made me okay with the answer to my prayers being no

•showed me life in abundance

•gave me gifts to expand his kingdom

•rejoiced with me in times of victory and comforted me in times of mourning

•taught me to fight FROM freedom not for it

•gave me promises for my future

•showed me joy in him instead of happiness based on circumstance

•moved in my family

•continually taught me more than I thought I could learn

•never stopped chasing me when I slowed my pursuit to a crawl

•kept his arms open for me to fall into

•gave me 6 new sisters to do life with (team Salt and Light) and a new family of 50 to encourage me in every step of my walk (Q squad)

•helped me be unapologetically me

•showed me what’s important in life and what’s just distracting me from him

•woke me up every morning and filled me up so I could pour out

•made me aware of Holy Spirit in me and the resurrection power I hold

•gave me a secret place where I meet him… it’s so beautiful

•was faithful to bring his plans to fruition

•slowly peeled away things in me that were not of him (answered prayer)

•gave me new ways to worship him

•revealed to me new passions and desires and then asked me to hand them to him and trust his provision

•called me FAR out of my comfort zone and waited there for me to rely on him alone

•let me question and doubt him and then patiently provided answers

•made me okay with just being the planter and letting him do the growing

•reminded me what it looks like to have a child-like faith

•asked me to lay my fear at his feet and trust him

•renewed my awe factor

•let me see his Word come to life

•showed me the earth-shaking power of prayer

•GOT ME TO 2019!!


Hey God, thanks for all the indescribable and undeserved things that you did and ways that you moved in 2018. More than those, thank you for Jesus and loving us enough to let him save us. As I walk into this new year and all the new things you have for me, help me remember that my sole purpose is love. Father, direct my steps in you alone and show me when and where to move, I’m listening. You never called us to be comfortable or safe so when/where you say go I’ll go, hold me to it. Jesus, thank you for choosing me to be a disciple and make ready the way for you by bringing your kingdom to earth.

                                                                2019 and my life are your’s,
