Whats up y’all! So I’m sure a few of you are wondering why I’m going on the World Race; Gap Year, well here ya go! 

When I was 14 I knew that I wanted to be a missionary, whether that meant living overseas or being a mobilizer for other missionaries here in the States, taking short term trips as often as I could. Well last summer when I went on my first international mission trip I knew for certain that I would have a lot more trips like it in my life. I have never felt more at peace with God and myself, because I knew that during that month I was living my purpose. So I came home, started going to a new church, and started to really learn what it meant to sacrifice comfort for the sake of the kingdom. I was able to meet and learn from other believers who had the same missions heart that I did. Soon I started hearing from God about the World Race and kept shoving it to the back of my mind, not thinking that I was supposed to go. But soon everything revolved around that, worship, sermons, personal conversations, its like God was yelling to me “Alexus, you are going to GO!”. So I stopped arguing, stopped thinking that I wasn’t good enough to go, and just applied. Soon I got to interview and got accepted, committed to the route I wanted to take and here we are! Two months later and ya girl is still in shock that she’ll be leaving for 9 months to travel and tell people about our sweet sweet Jesus. 

Please pray that my squad and I continue to get to know one another as best we can, and that we all grow closer to the Lord and His promises during this time of preparation and fundraising.